SWARAJ 742 XT is 3 Cylinders and a 3136 CC engine capacity tractor. It is a 40-50 HP tractor with 2000 engine-rated RPM. It has a powerful engine with the highest engine displacement (cm^3) and torque in its category. This tractor is loaded with advanced and modern features, making the job easy and increasing its life. The tractor steering is incredible because that tractor gets easy to control and fast response. The tractor has great brakes which provide high grip and low slippage. This tractor provides multi-speed forward and reverses PTO, DCV, and adjustable front axle, it stands apart from the rest. It has a clutch, which provides smooth and easy functioning. the mileage is economical in every field, and it has a wheel drive option. These options create it sensible for implements like cultivators, rotavators, ploughs, planters,s, and others. The tractor offers a comfortable driving seat which provides support in long hours applications. It delivers sustainable crop solutions in the Indian farming land, resulting in high production and yield.
The Quality Specifications
It has a Higher cm³ (cc) in its category for Burns fuel efficiently for better mileage
It has a High torque engine for the Highest torque in its category for better pulling of heavy implements
It has a Better specific fuel consumption in its category.
It has a High PTO power.
The Oil-immersed brakes for Better braking efficiency.
It has a Dual Clutch-Can work on all implements like Rotavator, Generator, etc.
The 1700 kg lift capacity, Can lift heavy implements like MB plough
The Directional control valve for Ease of operation in applications like Laser Leveler, MB Plough, Tipping Trailer
It has an Adjustable front axle for the Front track that can be adjusted
It has a Multispeed & reverses PTO- Provides high r/min on PTO even at low engine r/min, hence saving fuel on applications like the alternator, water pump, thresher & generator, reverse PTO for reaper & thresher for removing stuck grass
SWARAJ 742 XT Basic Information
- Brand SWARAJ
- Variant 2WD
- Horse Power 45 HP
- Starting Price 6.4L
- Max Price* 7L
- Warranty* 2 Years or 2000 Hours
SWARAJ 742 XT Engine
- No of Cylinders 3
- HP Category 45 HP
- Max PTO HP 38 HP
- Engine 3136 CC
- Coolant Water Cooled
- Air Filter 3 Stage Wet Air Cleaner
SWARAJ 742 XT Transmission
- Transmission Type Combination of Constant Mesh & Sliding Mesh
- Clutch Single / Dual
- Gear Box 8 Forward + 2 Reverse
SWARAJ 742 XT Brakes and Steering's
- Brakes Type Oil immersed Brakes
- Staring Type Power Steering
SWARAJ 742 XT Power Take Off and Fuel Tank
- Power Take off Type 6 Spline
- RPM 540 / 1000
SWARAJ 742 XT Weight and Dimension
- Total Weight 2020 Kgs
- Wheel Base 2108 MM
- Overall Length 3522 MM
- Overall Width 1826 MM
SWARAJ 742 XT Wheels, Tyres and Accessories
- Lifting Capacity 1700 Kgs
- 3 Point Linkage ADDC
- Wheel Drive 2 WD
- Front 6.0 x 16
- Rear 13.6 x 28 / 14.9 x 28
Additional Features
Combination of Constant Mesh & Sliding Mesh type transmission, Single / Dual Clutch, 3 Stage Wet Air Cleaner, Powerful engine, high work excellency, DCV, and adjustable front axle, Power steering, Powerful and fuel-efficient 3 cylinder water cooled engine, Multispeed forward and reverse PTO.