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On April 1st, Bihar Plans To Unveil Its Fourth Agricultural Road Map

Officials from the agriculture department claim that the new road map will put more of an emphasis on producing more millets, oil seeds, and pulses in order to give farmers the option of crop diversification and increase their income. Digital agriculture would be another area of emphasis, providing farmers with the most recent weather reports and IT-related marketing assistance.

On April 1st, Bihar Plans To Unveil Its Fourth Agricultural Road Map
Bihar CM Nitish Kumar

According to agriculture department officials, the fourth edition of Bihar's agricultural road map will be launched on April 1st with a focus on crop diversification, doorstep delivery of veterinary services, increased food grain production, and improved agricultural marketing.

Before the launch, the department has scheduled a conference in Patna for farmers and agriculturists from across the state on February 21. At this meeting, feedback will be gathered on any new initiatives that should be implemented and included in the upcoming road map for five years (2023-28).

The third edition of the road map (2017-2022), which was extended until March 31, 2023, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, currently serves as the state's guide for agricultural policies.

According to Agriculture Secretary N Saravana Kumar, the process of getting input from various stakeholders, including scientists and experts, has been going on for a while. We are working on several new initiatives to strengthen the agricultural sector, he said.

Officials from the agriculture department claim that the new road map will put more of an emphasis on producing more millets, oil seeds, and pulses in order to give farmers the option of crop diversification and increase their income.

Digital agriculture would be another area of emphasis, providing farmers with the most recent weather reports and IT-related marketing assistance. The road map would also heavily emphasize drone use of nano urea. An official stated that it is a novel concept.

There will also be a focus on agricultural marketing. The secretary stated that increasing food grain production will also be a top priority.
The first version of the agricultural road map was unveiled in 2007, two years after Nitish Kumar was appointed chief minister of Bihar. The state's production of food grains has been rising steadily in recent years.

In 2019-20, it was 163.80 lakh metric tonnes, rising to 179.52 lakh metric tonnes in 2020-21. In 2021-2022, the state produced 184.86 lakh metric tonnes of food. 

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