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NRCB Demonstrates The Use Of Drone To Apply Micronutrients To Banana Crop

The National Research Center for Bananas (NRCB), in collaboration with the Thottiyam banana producers group, launched a demonstration of micronutrient application for bananas in Varadarajapuram on Tuesday. The technology demonstration was held in collaboration with the Thottiyam Banana Producers Group to raise farmer awareness about the use of drones in banana cultivation, according to a press release from the NRCB.

NRCB Demonstrates The Use Of Drone To Apply Micronutrients To Banana Crop

The National Research Center for Bananas (NRCB), in collaboration with the Thottiyam banana producers group, launched a demonstration of micronutrient application for bananas in Varadarajapuram on Tuesday.

The technology demonstration was held in collaboration with the Thottiyam Banana Producers Group to raise farmer awareness about the use of drones in banana cultivation, according to a press release from the NRCB.

According to R. Selvarajan, Director of NRCB, micronutrients are critical for increasing banana crop yield, and their application via drones will help prevent nutrient deficiency in the crop. Given the labor shortage, he believes that applying inputs such as pesticides and micronutrients via drone technology will help farmers reduce cultivation costs while increasing profits. 

Drones are set to change the agricultural landscape in India, as they are used for nutrient application, pesticide application, and crop and disease management surveys. Tamil Nadu was a forerunner in the use of drone technology for precision farming. According to Dr. Selvapandian, the NRCB initiative will help improve mechanization in banana cultivation.

G.Ajeethan, Managing Director of Tamil Nadu Banana Producers Company Ltd., praised NRCB's initiative and noted that traditional pesticide or micronutrient spraying methods were time-consuming and labor-intensive.

The protest spanned 17 acres of a banana plantation in the village. The program was attended by FPO members from the Srirangam Banana Producer Group, the Sirugamani Farmers Group, and the Anamalai Farmers Group. C. Karpagam, Drone Project Principal Investigator, K. Jeyabaskaran, NRCB Principal Scientist, and others spoke.

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