Use These Farm Equipment To Prepare The Soil Before Sowing The Seeds
Soil is formed by a combination of physical, chemical, and biological activities. The soil contains both biotic and Abiotic components. Agricultural soil science is the study of soil and edaphic conditions for the production of food and fiber. Soil, which is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, and other elements that supports life on Earth, must be prepared before sowing seeds. Soil preparation is critical before planting a seed or growing a crop.

Here's How To Prepare The Soil Before Planting Seeds
Soil is formed by a combination of physical, chemical, and biological activities. The soil contains both biotic and Abiotic components. Agricultural soil science is the study of soil and edaphic conditions for the production of food and fiber. Soil, which is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, and other elements that supports life on Earth, must be prepared before sowing seeds. Soil preparation is critical before planting a seed or growing a crop.
What is the significance of soil preparation?
Soil preparation before sowing the seeds is important for the reasons listed below:
- Weed removal and soil loosening are two advantages of soil preparation.
- The seed should be planted only a short distance apart.
- Manuring the soil, in addition to the nutrients already present, helps to improve it.
Soil preparation creates a soft soil mass for transplanting as well as an appropriate soil surface for direct seeding.
Before sowing the seeds, certain steps are taken into consideration for soil preparation.
Ploughing is used in the soil preparation process to break up and turn the soil (tilling). The three basic ploughing equipment or instruments are the hoe, cultivator, and plough, which are used to loosen and churn the soil in the fields before sowing the seeds.
Ploughing also brings nutrient-rich soil to the surface. Ploughing is very useful for soil preparation because it can be used to incorporate manure, remove weeds, eradicate contagious diseases and insects, and perform other tasks. Plows made of wood or iron are used for this.
Soil Leveling
A leveler is used in the soil preparation process to level the earth that has been dug up in the field. A sturdy wooden or iron board is used.
When fields are irrigated, leveled, ploughed fields aid in the even distribution of water. Leveling ploughed fields help to prevent moisture loss.
Read more: Types of Sowing Equipment in India 2022
Manuring is the final step in the soil preparation process, following ploughing and manuring. It helps to replenish the soil's rich nutrients. Manuring ensures that the primary nutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—are supplied to the soil to increase productivity.
Manuring also provides numerous nutrients and organic fertilizers, making it an important step in soil preparation. Compost and other manure are added to the soil regularly to improve its structure, moisture retention, aeration, and water infiltration.
Soil Preparation Requires Major Tools
Plough: A plough is a simple tool that farmers have traditionally used for soil preparation. It has a pointy edge and a triangular shape. Ploughs were traditionally pulled by animals such as oxen, bulls, and others. Its three parts are the beam, the ploughshare, and the plough shaft.
Hoe: A hoe is a simple soil preparation tool that is used for weeding and aerating the soil. The hoe has a long wooden handle and variously shaped iron blades. Animals in agricultural fields also pull it.
Cultivator: A cultivator is a sophisticated agricultural tool used for soil preparation. Significant time, labor, and energy savings are realized. A cultivator is ploughing alongside a tractor.
Soil preparation is critical in agriculture. The soil may lose fertility as a result of ongoing cropping. The soil must be prepared for re-fertility. To remove weeds and keep the soil's nutrients intact, we should till the ground before spreading the seed. Hoes, cultivators, and ploughs are some of the tools we use to prepare the soil.
Read more: Types of Tillage Implements – Primary & Secondary Tillage Equipment