Types of Harvesters Every Farmer Must Own
Harvesting season is critical for Indian farmers who cultivate a variety of grains on their farm fields regularly. This is the time when all of their efforts will be recognized and rewarded. When the harvesting process done manually, which includes reaping or cutting, threshing or sifting grains from the chaff, can be time-consuming and exhausting. Furthermore, proper care must be taken when collecting crops, as fragile crops can be overlooked and crushed by accident. Working long hours in the field also has its drawbacks, as farmers must work even in bad weather

Harvesting season is critical for Indian farmers who cultivate a variety of grains on their farm fields regularly. This is the time when all of their efforts will be recognized and rewarded.
When the harvesting process done manually, which includes reaping or cutting, threshing or sifting grains from the chaff, can be time-consuming and exhausting. Furthermore, proper care must be taken when collecting crops, as fragile crops can be overlooked and crushed by accident. Working long hours in the field also has its drawbacks, as farmers must work even in bad weather.
Harvesting can become less tiring, more time-saving, and more productive with the most adaptable harvesting machinery.
What is a Harvesting Machine?
'Harvesting machines', also known as harvesters, are mechanical devices or farm implements that assist in the removal of ripened or matured crops from farm fields during harvesting seasons.
Uses of a Harvester
Harvester or combine harvester is an Indian farming innovation that helps Indian farmers save time and money. To overcome traditional farming challenges, combine harvesters were developed, which combined the three harvesting processes into a single machine — reaping, threshing, and windrowing.
These multi-crop harvesters or farm equipment aid in the collection of high-quality grains in less time and with less labor. It is advantageous for small-scale producers as well as large-scale commercial farmers who want to increase farm output while maintaining their peace of mind.
A harvester or harvesting machine can be useful in a variety of ways:
- High selling margins - Grains collected by harvesters are of high quality and can thus be optimally priced in the market based on quality.
- Harvesting takes less time- Harvesters can help harvest large farmlands in a short period.
- Less labor cost even during peak harvesting season - Harvesters do not require as much manual labor as traditional methods; this saves labor costs, which can be quite high during harvesting season.
- There is no risk of crop damage - Traditional harvesting would fail to recognize how fragile some crops can be and would necessitate some careful handling, resulting in many crops being damaged or crushed. However, today's cutting-edge multi-crop harvesters are meticulously designed to handle such delicate crops without crushing and destroying them.
- Profitable farming is guaranteed - Harvesters improve farming efficiency and effectiveness, increasing output and farming yield.
Read more: TOP 10 Post-Harvester Machines- 2022, Model Specification.
Various Types of Combine Harvesters
Combine harvesters or harvesting machines are classified into three types. Here are the three most common types of combine harvesters:
- Control Combine Harvesters or Tractor Drawn Harvesters
- Self-propelled combine harvesters
- Track combine harvesters
Control Combine Harvesters or Tractor Drawn Harvesters
Tractor-mounted combine harvesters, also known as control combine harvesters, are attached to tractor vehicles because they lack the power and wheels to operate independently.
Self-Propelled Combine Harvesters
On-farm fields, self-propelled combine harvesters are commonly used. This wheeled combine can power its machinery and does not require tractor assistance, making it ideal for farm fields with hard soil. Furthermore, these self-propelled combined harvesters are classified into two types:
- Self-propelled conventional combine harvesters
- Rotary or Axial Flow Combine Harvesters
Track Combine Harvesters
Track combine harvesters are harvesters that are equipped with tracks rather than wheels.
They have a high ground clearance and a strong structure made up of strong drivers, a heavy-duty chassis, and an Eton pump. As a result, it is ideal for use in wetlands where wheel-based harvesters may become stuck.
As agriculture and technology advance, Indian farmers discover more beneficial ways to increase farm productivity while lowering costs. One of the most significant advancements is the development of various types of harvesters, which aid in reaping and collecting crops during harvest season with greater ease, effectiveness, and speed.
Read more: Combine Harvester: Operation, Usage, and Importance