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Top Harvesting Tools For Blueberry Farming

Harvesting blueberries require the right tools to ensure efficient and productive operations. In this article, we have discussed various harvesting equipment to ensure quality blueberry harvesting.

Blueberry harvesting tools

Harvesting blueberries is a crucial step in blueberry farming. Blueberries are delicate fruit that requires careful handling during harvesting to prevent bruising and damage. To ensure efficient and productive harvesting, it is essential to have the right tools.

Blueberry harvesting

The following are must harvesting tools required to attain quality blueberries:-

Handheld Pickers 

Handheld pickers are the most common tools used for harvesting blueberries. They come in different designs and sizes, but the basic principle is the same. A picker is a handheld tool with a comb-like structure that rakes the blueberries off the bush. The picker should have a gentle touch to prevent bruising the fruit.


Buckets are used for collecting the blueberries after they have been picked. The buckets should be lightweight and easy to handle. They should also have a comfortable grip and be made of materials that are easy to clean. Some buckets come with handles that allow them to be attached to a picking harness for hands-free harvesting.


Harvest Trays 

Harvest trays are flat, shallow containers used for holding buckets during harvesting. The trays can be placed on the ground or attached to a picking harness. They help to keep the buckets stable during harvesting and prevent them from tipping over.

Picking Harness 

A picking harness is a piece of equipment that allows the picker to attach the bucket to their body. This frees up the hands and makes it easier to move around the blueberry bush. The picking harness should be comfortable and adjustable to fit different body types.

Sorting Equipment 

Sorting equipment is used to separate the good berries from the bad ones. This equipment can be as simple as a hand-held sieve or as complex as a conveyor belt sorting machine. The sorting equipment should be easy to use and efficient in separating the blueberries.

Cooling Equipment 

Cooling equipment is used to cool the blueberries after they have been harvested. This equipment can be a simple refrigeration unit or a cooling tunnel. The cooling equipment should be able to maintain a consistent temperature to prevent spoilage and maintain the quality of the blueberries.

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