Top 5 Ways To Improve And Increase Seed Germination
Seed Germination is the process of growing different plant species using different methods through a single seed. Here is the article which tells you about different processes to fasten the speed of seed germination.

Sowing seeds ad getting those developed plants from them is the ultimate satisfaction for any grower. Sometimes it takes a huge amount of time for seeds to germinate and develop into a matured plant.

It becomes a gamble. Therefore to have proper growth of those seedlings it is very important to keep proper monitoring of these seedlings, to fasten up the process it is also very important to use those techniques which help in rapid germination and therefore fast outputs.
The following are different ways to fasten the seed germination process:-
The first and foremost method to improve the germination process of any seed is to break its coat. This is known as seed germination.
Usually, seed germination can take place either mechanically or using chemicals. In the mechanical process, the coat is broken by scraping it against sandpaper, using a knife, or any abrasive material. In the chemical process seed is generally dipped in sulfuric acid, organic solvents, or in boiling water. It is also said that water is an excellent scarifier.
Using a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide
The seeds can be easily soaked in water and kept overnight, this is a good method to break the seed coat. But to get more rapid results one can add 1-3% of hydrogen peroxide in two cups of water. This will fasten up the process. This is because adding this chemical also adds oxygen to the water which is the main element for seed germination. Extra care is to be provided while using this chemical treatment as the higher concentration will increase acidity and therefore reduce the seed germination process.
Pot covering for extra soil moisture
Once the seedlings are sown and watered the next step is to cover them for a short period of time. This will help to retain moisture. Once the seedlings are germinated it is important to remove the cover. Excess restoration of moisture may lead to damping off of the small seedlings.
Also, it is preferred to sow seeds in a cold dark region, this enhances the germination process. At a later stage they also require light for photosynthesis and to develop further.
Use Of Heating Mat
Soil when it is warm gives the indication to start the seedling process. Warm soil generally helps provide better conditions to prevent the seedlings from damping off, prevent seed-borne diseases, etc. Warm soil will also help to provide proper growth conditions for better-quality seeds.
Planting more seeds than required
It is always important to grow more seedlings than the required amount. This is because the no. of seedlings that are sown may or may not germinate according to our wish. It is important to keep monitoring and keep regulating the conditions for proper seed germination. Moreover, due to external factors, it is important to always keep your seedling rates high, therefore, giving more chances of growth, their population won't reduce even if they die of whatever external factors.
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