Top 5 Government Schemes Promoting Organic Farming
The chemical uses of fertilizers have resulted in gigantic destruction and instead of giving effective benefits, they have resulted in a decrease in farm yields. Therefore it was very important to overcome this problem and to completely rule out the usage of chemical fertilizer which was supposed to increase the production and farmer's profit.

The chemical uses of fertilizers have resulted in gigantic destruction and instead of giving effective benefits, they have resulted in a decrease in farm yields. Therefore it was very important to overcome this problem and to completely rule out the usage of chemical fertilizer which was supposed to increase the production and farmer's profit.
From past performance, yes, it would be wrong to say that chemical fertilizers and pesticides did not play a significant role in the green revolution. Indeed, they were the biggest chambers of supporters that had made changes in the revolution and created a massive history. They have also raised bombardments for the future as it could not lead to sustainability, thus to bring further changes where the quality of crops would not degrade, where the soil would not accompany themselves with more chemical fertilizers, organic farming was introduced to befriend and change this atrocious scenario.
Organic farming is mainly the application of biological pesticides and fertilizers to produce good-quality crops. Majorly they are extracted from animal and plants' natural wastes which provide enormous nutrients and thus increase the yield on farm sites. It has been analyzed that the total cultivable land under organic farming was 11.83 Lakhs per hectare in 2014 which increased to 29.17 Lakhs per hectare by 2020 and this was achieved by continuous efforts of the government. If government programs are increased, more awareness related to schemes are provided, and premium prices for organic produce are encouraged, it will definitely motivate farmers towards practicing organic farming.
Following are some different Govt. Schemes established for the farmers in India:-
1. Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER)
This scheme promotes farmers to adopt organic farming more precisely. It promotes third-party certified organic farming in North East regions through FPO (Farm Production Organisation) with a good concentration on exports. The assistance of 25,000 for 3 years is being provided which includes organic manure and biofertilizers for organic inputs. Also, there is back-end support being provided for the formation of more FPOs, and post-harvest infrastructure with 2 crore investments on them.
2. Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme (CISS) under Soil Health Management Scheme
Full assistance is being provided to government and state government agencies for setting up mechanized fruit and vegetable market waste, and agro waste compost with an investment of Rs 190 lakh per unit. Similarly, for individuals and private agencies, Rs 63 Lakh has been provided.
3. National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP)
This scheme provides a 50 percent subsidy at Rs 300 per hectare for different components including bio-fertilizers, supply of Rhizobium culture, Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria, Zinc Solubilising Bacteria, Azatobacter, Mycorrhiza, and Vermicompost.
4. National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
This scheme provides financial assistance for promoting bio-fertilizers at 50 percent of the cost limitation up to Rs 300 per hectare.
5. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana promotes cluster-based organic farming with PGS (Participatory Guarantee System) certification. Cluster formation, training, certification, and marketing are supported under the scheme. The assistance of Rs. 50,000 per ha /3 years is provided out of which 62 percent (Rs. 31,000) is given as an incentive to a farmer towards organic inputs.
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