The AgriMedia App for Indian Farmers
The AgriMedia Video App is dedicated solely to Indian farmers. All AgriMedia app videos are available in Hindi and Gujarati. This app will soon be available in other Indian languages to assist farmers in better farming. AgriMedia created the ‘AgriMedia’ video app to provide audio/video agriculture education; it is the best distance learning extension education for India's agricultural revolution.

The AgriMedia Video App is dedicated solely to Indian farmers. All AgriMedia app videos are available in Hindi and Gujarati. This app will soon be available in other Indian languages to assist farmers in better farming.
AgriMedia created the ‘AgriMedia’ video app to provide audio/video agriculture education; it is the best distance learning extension education for India's agricultural revolution.
Goal of AgriMedia
AgriMedia’s goal is to strengthen, commercialize, and professionalize traditional agriculture. They have created a complete scientific crop cultivation process video, from land preparation to harvesting, that will help farmers increase their income. Their videos are available in Gujarati, Hindi, and English.
Other topics covered in the app include Rural Development, Pashupalan, Animal Husbandry, Poultry Farming, Horticulture, Fisheries, Bagayat Kheti, Machinery, Forestry, Agro-Forestry, Dairy Farming, and Government Schemes.
Vision of AgriMedia
AgriMedia's vision is to empower farmers by providing information and assistance as a decision-making support system in crop and soil management, pest, disease, weed control, fertilizer, and irrigation management.
- Farmers can view other farmers' questions and answers after creating a profile.
- Ask agricultural questions and get immediate answers from agri experts.
- All videos are of high quality, providing an enjoyable viewing experience.
- The app provides in-depth information about a specific topic from beginning to end.
- Stay up to date on the latest national and international agricultural news.
- The app is currently available in Hindi and Gujarati, with plans to expand into other Indian languages in shortly.
AgriMedia provides video-based distribution Farmers in the field receive agricultural education and information to improve their income and quality of life.
AgriMedia app covers scientific information such as Agri, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Agro-Forestry, Poultry, Dairy farming, apiculture, sericulture, Agri engineering, co-operation, Rural development, Entomology, Extension, Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Soil Science & Agri Chemistry, Economics, Agronomy, Genetics & Plant Breeding, Crop Physiology, Food Science & Nutrition, Farm Technology, Flori Plant Biotechnology, Forestry, Environmental Science, Agro Business, Seed, Fertilizer/Fertilizer, Plant Protection, Pesticide, Value edition, Sajeev kheti / Organic farming, Agri Gyan Vigyan, and so on.
Social Impact
AgriMedia has a massive social impact. They reach out to everyone in the farming community who is connected to today's mobile technology. The AgriMedia video app is accessible via their Android and iOS apps, YouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram pages, LinkedIn, and other social networks.
AgriMedia has an impact on small and marginal farmers as well as village leaders and progressive farmers.
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