Tamil Nadu Farmer Doubles Income with Organic Farming, Becomes Advisor to Others
Dharuman, a farmer from Tamil Nadu, has become a success story in his village by adopting organic farming practices. He has doubled his income and become a true advisor of organic farming practices to other farmers in his village. Dharuman's success story is an inspiration to other farmers who are looking to adopt organic farming practices.

Kamraj, a farmer from Govindapuram village in Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu, has achieved great heights by adopting organic farming practices. He credits his success to the organic farming methods he follows on advice of fellow cultivator Dharuman.
Dharuman advises farmers like Kamraj from across the state on organic farming and its practices, such as preparation and applications of natural fertilizers, pesticides, soil manure, and multi-cropping and crop rotation.
Dharuman's aim is to help people widely, to make them aware of the positive impacts of practicing organic farming, and to generate good revenue. He tries to advise farmers based on the local climate and soil conditions of their regions so that they see good results too.
Dharuman was motivated to adopt organic farming some 15 years ago to reduce the high costs of buying seeds, fertilizer, and farm equipment. He began to practice it slowly on his 0.8 ha, on which he grows vegetables.
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He sources local seeds and uses a small cultivator instead of expensive machinery to make his own organic inputs. He shares his knowledge with other farmers and is invited by the district agriculture officials to speak at agriculture fairs and meetings. V. Gunasekaran, Deputy Director of Agriculture in Dharmapuri, acknowledged Dharuman's inspiring journey.
Pazhani, another farmer who practices organic farming on 0.8 of his 2.02 ha, said that Dharuman's simple advice has helped them to reap benefits with better crop yield. Dharuman is also raking in double the profits by selling his organic vegetables at a premium, around 5-10 rupees more than the normal rates. However, he believes that better marketing support would help him get even better prices.
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Dharuman's success story is an inspiration to other farmers who are looking to adopt organic farming practices. It shows that organic farming can be profitable and sustainable and that it can help farmers to improve their livelihoods.
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