Sandalwood Farming: Trees Bringing Prosperity to Farmers with High Returns- Farming Tips & Cost
As demand for sustainable and natural products continues to rise, sandalwood farming presents a unique opportunity for farmers to reap the rewards of a high-value crop. Beyond the financial gains, cultivating these therapeutic Chandan trees offers a chance to contribute to the preservation of a time-honoured tradition that has been revered for generations.

In a world where the demand for natural and therapeutic products is soaring, sandalwood farming has emerged as a profitable and sustainable venture. Known for its unique fragrance and numerous healing properties, the Chandan or Sandalwood tree has captured the attention of farmers looking to tap into this lucrative market. With its high market value and potential for substantial returns, more and more individuals are now considering venturing into the realm of sandalwood cultivation.
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The Sandalwood Advantage:
Sandalwood, or Chandan, is revered for its sweet and woody aroma that has been used for centuries in various cultural and religious practices. Not only is it famous for its fragrant heartwood, but the tree also boasts an array of medicinal and therapeutic benefits. The sandalwood oil derived from its heartwood is used in traditional medicines, aromatherapy, cosmetics, and perfumery, making it a prized commodity in the global market.
Bumper Earnings from Sandalwood:
According to experts, a single sandalwood tree with a circumference of 2½ feet at chest height can yield approximately 75 to 80 kgs of heartwood. With proper cultivation practices, farmers can earn up to an astonishing Rs. 1.5 crore of income from just one acre of land. The return on investment in sandalwood farming is exceptional, making it an attractive option for both seasoned and aspiring cultivators.
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Technical Factors for Successful Cultivation:
Sandalwood cultivation requires careful attention to several factors for optimal growth and yield:
1. Soil Requirement: The versatile Chandan tree can thrive in various soil types, including sandy, red clay, and clay-rich black soils, with a preferred pH level between 6 to 7.5.
2. Climate Preference: Sandalwood trees flourish in tropical and sub-tropical regions with hot and humid climates. The ideal temperature for cultivation ranges between 12 to 40 degrees Celsius at altitudes between 2000 to 3500 feet above sea level.
3. Propagation Methods: Growers can choose between sowing seeds or vegetative propagation through tissue culture to establish sandalwood plants.
4. Planting & Spacing: Seedlings aged 7-8 months, extracted from raised nursery beds, should be transplanted into the main field with a plant-to-plant distance of 10 feet. The use of bio-fertilizers and organic fertilizers is highly recommended for nourishing the sandalwood trees.
5. Watering & Irrigation: Drip irrigation is a preferred method, allowing efficient water distribution and conservation while promoting optimal growth.
Harvesting & Returns:
Patience is essential in sandalwood farming, as the heartwood becomes ready for harvest within 12 to 15 years from planting. The market value for sandalwood ranges from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 7,000 per kg, with top-quality sandalwood fetching up to Rs. 10,000 per kg. On average, an acre of land can produce up to 5000 kg of sandalwood, resulting in impressive returns ranging from Rs. 1.5 crore to Rs. 2 crore.
Sandalwood Farming - A Journey of Prosperity:
As demand for sustainable and natural products continues to rise, sandalwood farming presents a unique opportunity for farmers to reap the rewards of a high-value crop. Beyond the financial gains, cultivating these therapeutic Chandan trees offers a chance to contribute to the preservation of a time-honored tradition that has been revered for generations.
FAQs about Sandalwood Farming
1. Is sandalwood farming suitable for all regions and climates?
Sandalwood cultivation thrives in tropical and sub-tropical regions with hot and humid climates. The ideal temperature ranges between 12 to 40 degrees Celsius, and the altitude should be between 2000 to 3500 feet above sea level. Regions meeting these criteria are most suitable for successful sandalwood farming.
2. What is the gestation period for sandalwood trees to mature and yield heartwood?
Patience is crucial in sandalwood farming, as the heartwood becomes ready for harvest within 12 to 15 years from planting. It's essential to carefully nurture the trees during this period for optimal growth and quality.
3. What are the preferred soil types for sandalwood cultivation?
Sandalwood trees can thrive in various soil types, including sandy, red clay, and clay-rich black soils. The preferred soil pH level for successful cultivation ranges between 6 to 7.5.
4. What is the average return on investment in sandalwood farming?
The return on investment in sandalwood farming is exceptional. With proper cultivation practices, farmers can earn impressive returns of up to Rs. 1.5 crore to Rs. 2 crore per acre of land. The market value of sandalwood ranges from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 7,000 per kg, with top-quality sandalwood fetching up to Rs. 10,000 per kg.
5. How should sandalwood trees be irrigated for optimal growth?
Drip irrigation is the preferred method for sandalwood farming. It allows for efficient water distribution and conservation while promoting the optimal growth of the trees. Adequate and controlled irrigation is essential to ensure healthy and productive sandalwood plants.
If you're seeking a path towards prosperity with a touch of fragrance, consider embarking on the journey of sandalwood farming and embrace the alluring scent of success!
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