Rice Mechanization: Key to Enhance Rice Production
We are all aware that farm mechanization contributes to a long-term increase in agricultural productivity and cropping intensity. Different crops require different mechanization techniques. Farm mechanization for various field operations such as field preparation, sowing/transplanting, intercultural operations, harvesting, threshing, and post-harvesting is now required. Take a look at this article for some of the best information on rice crop farm mechanization

Farm Mechanization in Rice Production
We are all aware that farm mechanization contributes to a long-term increase in agricultural productivity and cropping intensity.
Different crops require different mechanization techniques. Farm mechanization for various field operations such as field preparation, sowing/transplanting, intercultural operations, harvesting, threshing, and post-harvesting is now required.
Take a look at this article for some of the best information on rice crop farm mechanization.
Tillage Operation in Rice Field
The two most commonly used implements for primary rice tillage are tractor-driven MB ploughs and cultivators. The MB plough is used for primary tillage, while the cultivator is used for secondary tillage.
Tractor-drawn disc harrows are well-known for dry optional tillage. Because of their high capacity, rotavators are becoming increasingly popular.
When compared to the traditional seedbed preparation technique, a single rotavator saves 60-70 percent in functional time and 55-65 percent in fuel consumption.
Puddling in Rice Field
Puddling is done to reduce water permeation, smother weeds by disintegrating them, and aid in the relocation of paddy seedlings by making the soil milder.
Disc harrow-cum Puddler, power tiller, tractor operator paddy disc harrow, rotavator, and cage wheel with cultivator implements are used in puddling. Pudding is a crucial operation in rice cultivation.
Land Leveling in Rice Field
Rice farmers in India use traditional levelers or laser land levelers for precise field leveling. A traditional land leveler consists of an animal-drawn leveler or another mechanical leveler.
The precision with which these tasks are carried out is low, resulting in a lopsided water allocation. A laser land leveler is an option for achieving a higher level of exactness in land evening out.
Sowing or Planting in Rice Field
Rice is grown through direct cultivation, such as broadcasting, boring in dry soil, planting in wet soil, or relocating/transplanting.
There are many rice planting implements created based on control accessibility (Power) such as manual, animal, power tiller, and tractor, and the majority of them are for dry direct planting of rice including one, two, and three-line manual seed drill, three-column animal-drawn seed drill, seeder, power tiller, and tractor-drawn seed drill. Manually operated drum seeders are well known for wet direct planting of rice.
Weeding in Rice Field
During the underlying stages of their development, weeds are more aggressive with crops. Weed control is critical during this time for the highest harvest yields. Manual weed removal with hands in crouching and twisting stances is standard practice for wetland rice.
Hand scraper, finger weeder, conoweeder, animal-drawn weeder, power tiller, and self-propelled weeder are industrially accessible and used by farmers in India for weeding in rice.
Fertilizer application in Rice Field
Farmers prefer manual manure broadcasting for compost application. However, plant protection equipment such as sprayers is now used to apply fertilizers in rice fields.
The timely application of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides in rice fields ensures higher harvest yields. For the application of pesticides, various types of dusters and sprayers have been developed.
Tractor-drawn seed cum fertilizer drill and transplanter are the most advanced and time-saving fertilizer application tools in the rice field.
Harvesting of Rice Crop
Numerous farm equipment, such as harvesters and combine harvesters, have been developed for rice harvesting. Due to the small size of the rice fields in eastern India, manual reaping with a sickle is an overwhelming technique for paddy harvesting.
One hectare of paddy requires approximately 170-200 hours of harvesting. As a result, various types of combine harvesters, reapers, windrowers, and tractor-operated straw combines are extremely beneficial for paddy harvesting promptly.
Post-Harvest Straw management of rice field
The issue of burning paddy stubble in the environment tends to increase the need for machinery for proper stubble management.
Machine management of paddy straw can save time, maintain soil health, and eliminate the need for multiple activities to consolidate the paddy straw.
Innovative farm implements available in the Indian market include the straw chopper, happy seeder, and straw reaper. To save the environment, these machines should be tested in various parts of the country.
Also Read: Rice Transplanting Machine In Indian Farms