NFSM: National Food Security Mission. Features & Objectives.
The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme that was established in 2007 in response to the recommendations of the National Development Council's agriculture sub-committee (NDC). As a result of the committee's emphasis on the need for improved agricultural extension services, technology transfer, and decentralized planning, NFSM was conceptualized as a mission mode program.

About the National Food Security Mission
The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme that was established in 2007 in response to the recommendations of the National Development Council's agriculture sub-committee (NDC). As a result of the committee's emphasis on the need for improved agricultural extension services, technology transfer, and decentralized planning, NFSM was conceptualized as a mission mode program.
The mission increased food grain production by 20 million MT during the eleventh plan period, covering rice, wheat, and pulses. During the twelfth five-year plan (2012-17), the scheme was continued, with a target of 25 million MT of increased food grain production.
Following that, coarse cereals and commercial crops were added to the scope of NFSM. NFSM is currently being implemented in 638 districts throughout the country.
Based on previous experience and performance of the 12th Plan, the program has been extended until 2019-20, which coincides with the Fourteenth Finance Commission (FFC) period. The target is to produce 13 million tons of additional food grains, with rice accounting for 5 million tons, wheat accounting for 3 million tons, pulses accounting for 3 million tons, and coarse cereals accounting for 2 million tons.
The Scheme's Key Power Areas are as follows:
- Long-term increase in crop production through area expansion and productivity enhancement.
- Individual farm-level soil fertility and productivity restoration.
- Increase in farm net income.
Objectives of the Scheme
In response to stagnant food grain production and increasing consumer demand from India's growing population, the Government of India launched the 'National Food Security Mission' in October 2007.
The Mission was a resounding success, with additional rice, wheat, and pulse production exceeding expectations. The Mission continued during the 12th Five Year Plan, with new targets of additional food grain production of 25 million tons by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan, consisting of 10 million tons rice, 8 million tons wheat, 4 million tons pulses, and 3 million tons coarse cereals.
Main Components
The five components of the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) are as follows.
- NFSM Rice
- NFSM Wheat
- NFSM Pulses
- NFSM Coarse Cereals
- NFSM Commercial Crops (NFSM CC).
Role in Farm Mechanization
NFSM promotes the use of farm machinery or implements in the cultivation of target crops to increase production efficiency. Financial assistance is provided up to 50% of the cost of the implements for a selected list of 22 implements.
Ten to fifty percent of the farmers chosen for Farm Mechanization assistance will also be chosen for cluster demonstrations.
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