Micro Irrigation Fund
In a country like India where 54 % of the population is engaged in the agriculture sector and gets a living out of it, agriculture is an integral part of their lives. For the expansion and improvement of agriculture as well as its general effectiveness, water is a treasured resource. To address the issue of water scarcity and to save resources, micro-irrigation technology has been deployed in the rain-fed areas to save water, minimize the use of fertilizers, labor expenses, and other input costs, and improve the fertility of the soil. To enhance the drip and sprinkler irrigation methods, the Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) devised a micro-irrigation system. Later, in 2010-2011, it was renamed the National Mission on Micro-irrigation scheme and became a major component of the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA).

In a country like India where 54 % of the population is engaged in the agriculture sector and gets a living out of it, agriculture is an integral part of their lives. For the expansion and improvement of agriculture as well as its general effectiveness, water is a treasured resource. To address the issue of water scarcity and to save resources, micro-irrigation technology has been deployed in the rain-fed areas to save water, minimize the use of fertilizers, labor expenses, and other input costs, and improve the fertility of the soil.
To enhance the drip and sprinkler irrigation methods, the Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW) devised a micro-irrigation system. Later, in 2010-2011, it was renamed the National Mission on Micro-irrigation scheme and became a major component of the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA).
The motive behind the Scheme
- Taking up new and innovative projects to support the States in utilizing the water resources properly
- Expanding the area under Micro-irrigation
- Empowering the micro-irrigation projects available under the scheme PMKSY-PDMC
- Encouraging farmers to establish micro-irrigation systems
- Collaborating all the investments made at the field level in the irrigation sector
- Offering complete irrigation supply chain solutions such as water resources, distribution networks, farm-level applications, and efficient water usage.
- Establishing resources for guaranteed irrigation benefits
- Conservative irrigation through rainwater harnessing at the micro-level
- It will improve the efficiency of water usage, especially during the drought seasons
- Supporting the activities of Per Drop More Crop motto component
Benefits of the Scheme
Small, medium, and big farmers, irrespective of their land size, who are willing to install the micro-irrigation system on their farms are eligible to claim benefits under the scheme. The motive of providing the subsidy is to give a back-ended for the carrying out micro-irrigation installation and other such related activities.
Funds Allocated under the Scheme
The Agricultural Ministry has appropriated the amount of Rs.5000 crores through NABARD to assist the States in establishing the Micro irrigation system.
Out of the total fund allocated under the scheme, Rs.2000 crores was utilized during 2018-19 and the remaining Rs.3000 Crores will be utilized during the year 2019-20.
NABARD offers the amount in the form of a loan to the State Governments on the agreed term to be repaid within the duration of 7 years, for the benefit of the beneficiaries, NABARD extends the loan at the lowest lending rate of 3% to the State Governments.
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