Tractor News

LandForce Boom Sprayer Mounted- Know All About Its Specification, Features, And Price

LandForce Boom Sprayer is one of the most essential tractor-drawn implements in agriculture. In this article, we have discussed its specifications, features, and price

LandForce Boom Sprayer

Land Force Boom Sprayer is a specially designed tractor-mounted boom sprayer for economical and effective crop application of weedicides, fertilizers, and pesticides. 

Landforce Boom Sprayer

This Tractamount Boom sprayer is suitable for driving with a tractor PTO complete with 600 liters capacity with a horizontal chemical double-layer tank with an agitator for mixing perfectly.  

Land Force Boom Sprayer also offers a propellor shaft for PTO, with nozzles spacing of 50 cm giving a boom length of 12m.


  • This boom sprayer has a manual folding pipe.
  • It has a pressure gauge and pressure regulator for precise calibration.
  • It also has a heavy-duty angle frame.
  • It has a nozzle frame made of ceramic plates.
  • The boom length is 12 m.


Tank Type

Agro Chemical Double layer tank

Tank Capacity

400-800 L

Boom Length

12 m


Ceramic Nozzles

Nozzle Spacing

50 Cm

3-Way Nozzle Holder


Pump Discharge

50 L/Min

About The Brand

Dasmesh brand works for creating efficient value through sustainable development. The company runs for connecting its core capabilities to provide maximum farm solutions and offers an extensive range of dependable products that are at the cutting edge of technology. Dasmesh continues to show its interesting tech ideas to develop and deploy the best-suited technology to meet every agri requirement. The company completes the aim of providing the best expertise in every aspect of Agriculture Implements manufacturing.

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