Kharif Crop: Tractor implement required in Land Preparation for Rice Cultivation in India
Land preparation for Kharif crops is the most important task in the crop's cultivation process. For each crop, different land preparation methods and land preparation agri machinery are used. Rice and wheat, which are the two most important crops in India and are grown during the Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively, provide a high yield to meet the needs of the vast Indian population. This article will go over the equipment needed for rice crop land preparation.

Land preparation for Kharif crops is the most important task in the crop's cultivation process. For each crop, different land preparation methods and land preparation agri machinery are used.
Rice and wheat, which are the two most important crops in India and are grown during the Kharif and Rabi seasons, respectively, provide a high yield to meet the needs of the vast Indian population. This article will go over the equipment needed for rice crop land preparation.
Why Land Preparation Is Required for Rice Cultivation?
- For bringing the undulated field left over from puddling into the evened outfield.
- To maintain water depth uniformity in the primary field.
- To increase water use efficiency by maintaining shallow water depths.
- For better supplement utilization by ensuring uniform depth of water throughout the field.
- For complete water depletion.
- To promote uniform oxygen distribution and to reduce water permeation.
Primary Implements used in Rice Cultivation
The implements mentioned in the list below are the primary implements used in cultivation of rice.
Disc Plough
In the field, a disc plough was used to achieve the required tilth of 10-15 cm depth. Ploughing is beneficial for drying open soil, uprooting stubbles and weeds, burying trash under the soil, and killing weeds.
Mould Board Plough
With a mould board plough fitted with a plate or a plough, the underlying opening of wet soils in a rice field should be possible with the least amount of water in the field.
Secondary Implements Used in Rice Cultivation
These implements are the secondary implements used in cultivation of rice.
Disc Harrow
Secondary tillage operations consist of two activities by disc harrow, which completes one ha of puddling in 12 to 15 hours.
In extremely wet soil, a disc harrow can be used for puddling without ploughing; in this case, 4 to 5 activities are usually required.
A rotavator was used to create suitable tilth for rice seed germination/planting. Because rotavators require more energy than other land preparation equipment, their use in rice cultivation is limited. A tractor with at least 40 horsepower is required for proper rotavator operation in a rice field.
Puddlers are used to preparing paddy fields that have standing water after ploughing. It breaks up the chunks and beats the soil.
The primary reason for puddling is to reduce water percolation, to eliminate weeds by breaking them down, and to aid in the relocation of paddy seedlings by making the soil gentler.
Power Tiller with Rotavator
In puddling of wet terrains, a 10 HP power tiller with a rotavator is productive. Puddling and evening out or stomping on green manure crops should be possible in one activity by another tiller while the rotavator is set to 505 RPM and the tiller is set to a low speed of 24 to 39 m/min.
Mechanical Rice Transplanter
It has its source of power, a 3-HP diesel engine. Covers approximately eight lines at the same time with a column to push dispersing of 23 cm. Rice Transplanter have the option of changing the plant-to-plant distance from 10 to 12 cm, which is beneficial for proper planting.
Also Read: Agricultural Machinery: These agricultural machines should make the harvesting of Kharif crops easy