India's Best Millet Processing Machinery In 2023
We know that millets have superior nutritional properties such as high micronutrients, dietary fiber, and a low glycaemic index, but we need the right millet processing machinery to increase consumption. Millet processing is a time-consuming process. As you are aware, the demand for millet is increasing both in India and abroad. People are becoming more health conscious and looking for the best millet grains. It is only possible with the advancement and improvement of the millet processing machine.

We know that millets have superior nutritional properties such as high micronutrients, dietary fiber, and a low glycaemic index, but we need the right millet processing machinery to increase consumption. Millet processing is a time-consuming process. As you are aware, the demand for millet is increasing both in India and abroad. People are becoming more health conscious and looking for the best millet grains. It is only possible with the advancement and improvement of the millet processing machine.
As you may be aware, India grows nine different types of millet. It is divided into two types: naked millets and husked millets. Sorghum (Jowar), Pearl Millet (Bajra), and Finger Millet (Ragi) are naked grains, while the rest of the millets, such as Foxtail Millet, Little Millet, Barnyard Millet, Kodo Millet, Browntop Millet, and Proso Millet, are husked grains because they have a husk layer on them. Small
Difficulties In Millet Processing
• The presence of sand particles, small stones, mud balls, and other inert impurities in millet grains significantly increases processing time, reduces machine life, results in a lower quality millet product, and results in a lower market price.
• Pest infestation in the grains reduces millet rice's shelf life.
• The high moisture content of the grains makes them difficult to process, and rice recovery suffers as a result.
• Variations in millet grain size necessitate the use of skilled machine operators.
Millet Processing Machinery Required For Small-Scale Production Unit
The grader is used to separate inert materials such as large stones, sticks, sand, grass, and so on from grains. Sieves of various sizes are used to separate them. The right sieve size should be chosen with care, and the operator should ensure that the sieve's holes are not clogged.
A triple-deck grader with three sieves is typically used. The top sieve separates large sticks, stones, and grasses, the middle sieve separates good-quality grains, and the bottom sieve separates fine and coarse sand particles. A small fan on the aspirator directs dust and light particles to the back end.
The material from the grader is sent to the Destoner, which removes small stones and mud balls the same size as the grains. Destoner operates on the gravity principle. A Destoner has two sieves beneath the hopper that grade the material that comes out of it. The graded material falls onto the destoner bed, with the lighter material moving to the front and the heavier material moving to the back. Depending on the material, the air adjustment slot must be carefully adjusted.
After proper cleaning, raw materials are sent to the huller for husk removal. Under millet processing machinery, dehullers are classified into two types.
Centrifugal Dehullers:
A Centrifugal Dehuller has an impeller that removes the husk. The material is directed to the hopper, which then directs it to the impeller, where it is thrown with great centrifugal force onto the impeller casing. The heavy impact causes the husk to differentiate from the millet rice, which is then sent to the aspirator where the lighter husk is accumulated at the back and the rice is accumulated at the front.
Abrasive Dehuller:
They are classified into two types: Emery abrasive and rubber roller. Two grinding stones are used in the Emery type. One stone remains stationary, while the other rotates at a constant rate.
Millet Processing Machinery facilitates work and thus increases millet consumption. The supply chain for millets has been improved by technology. In the coming days, we must focus on decentralized millet processing units in rural areas to reduce women's drudgery and increase millet consumption.
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