Fodder Beet Cultivation: Reshaping Livestock Nutrition in Challenging Indian Climates
Fodder Beet has emerged as a game-changer for livestock farmers in arid regions, offering a high yielding and cost-effective solution for green fodder production. Its adaptability to poor quality water and soil, along with the crucial availability period, has made it a sought-after crop.

Livestock farmers in arid regions face challenges in providing green fodder due to harsh environmental conditions. However, a breakthrough has arrived in the form of Fodder Beet (Beta vulgaris), a high-yielding crop that offers a sustainable solution. Developed by the ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, this crop has gained popularity for its impressive biomass production, adaptability to poor-quality water and soil, and the crucial period of availability from January to April when other fodder options are scarce. This article delves into the advantages, cultivation practices, and widespread adoption of Fodder Beet.
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Advantages of Fodder Beet:
- High Yield: Fodder Beet has the potential to produce over 200 tonnes per hectare of green biomass in just four months, offering a substantial feed source for livestock.
- Water Efficiency: With a remarkable water use efficiency of 28-32 kg of green biomass per m3 of water, Fodder Beet is an ideal crop for water-scarce regions.
- Improved Livestock Performance: Feeding trials with Tharparkar cattle have demonstrated an 8 to 10% increase in milk yield, highlighting the nutritional benefits of Fodder Beet.
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Cultivation Practices:
- Soil and Time of Sowing: Fodder Beet thrives best in loamy soils but can also grow successfully in salt-affected soils. Optimal sowing time is from mid-October to mid-November.
- Preparation and Planting: A fine seed bed is essential, prepared by ploughing the field three to four weeks before sowing. Planting should be done on ridges with a distance of 70 cm between them. Thinning is necessary for multi-germ varieties.
- Irrigation and Fertilization: Immediate irrigation after sowing is vital. Subsequent irrigation should follow a specific schedule based on the crop's growth stage. Recommended fertilization includes farmyard manure, nitrogen, and phosphorous.
- Pest and Disease Control: Fodder Beet has no major reported diseases or pests. However, soil-borne insects can be managed by applying Quinalphos powder before sowing.

Harvesting and Feeding:
- Harvesting: Uprooting can begin when the roots reach a minimum weight of 1.0 to 1.5 kg (mid-January). The roots, comprising 60% of the plant, can be manually pulled up. Foliage should also be utilized.
- Feeding: Chopped roots can be mixed with dry fodder, with recommended daily dosages for different livestock categories. Gradual feeding increase is advised, not exceeding 60% of the animal's total dry matter requirement.
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Widespread Adoption:
- Demonstration and Collaboration: The ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute has successfully demonstrated Fodder Beet cultivation to more than 600 farmers across various districts in Rajasthan. Collaborations with CSR programs, KVKs, NGOs, universities, and state governments have accelerated its adoption.
- Expansion to Other Regions: Farmers from Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Kerala, and Uttar Pradesh have reported positive feedback after trying Fodder Beet, indicating its potential beyond arid regions.
Fodder Beet has emerged as a game-changer for livestock farmers in arid regions, offering a high-yielding and cost-effective solution for green fodder production. Its adaptability to poor-quality water and soil, along with the crucial availability period, has made it a sought-after crop. With successful demonstrations, widespread adoption, and positive feedback from farmers, Fodder Beet's significance.
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