El Nino Effect: Know Everything About El Nino And How Does It Affect Indian Agriculture?
El Nino causes the cool surface water off the Peruvian coast to warm. The normal trade winds are lost or reverse their direction when the water is warm.

El Nino is a large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction that is associated with a periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and east-central Equatorial Pacific. It's linked to high pressure in the western Pacific. El Nino has a negative impact on the Indian monsoons and, as a result, agriculture in India.
How Does El Nino Affect Indian Agriculture?
El Nino causes warm water spreads from the west Pacific and Indian Ocean to the east Pacific, bringing rain with it, causing widespread drought in the western Pacific and rainfall in the normally dry eastern Pacific.
El Nino prompts the cool surface water off the Peruvian coast to warm. The normal trade winds are lost or reverse their direction when the water is warm. As a result, moisture-laden winds from the western Pacific are directed toward Peru's coast (the region near northern Australia and South East Asia). During El Nino years, this causes heavy rains in Peru, depriving the Indian subcontinent of its normal monsoon rains. The greater the temperature and pressure differential, the greater the rainfall deficit in India.
Severe drought and food insecurity, as well as flooding, rains, and temperature rises caused by El Nino, are causing a variety of health issues, including disease outbreaks, malnutrition, heat stress, and respiratory diseases.
El Nino has had an impact on Indian agriculture and food grains. Farmers are still reliant on the unpredictable monsoon winds. Increased rainfall results in bumper crop production, whereas erratic monsoon results in poor crop production, resulting in a loss of the country's economy. As a result, farmers in India continue to rely on the monsoon, ignoring agricultural technology and advancement. Monsoon winds hit India's western coast in the first week of June, causing heavy rainfall in this region. Variations in the monsoon will have an impact on Indian agriculture, people, and society. It will have an impact on both rural and urban life.
How El Nino will affect Indian Agriculture in 2023
El Nino conditions are predicted for 2023. Heat waves of 3 to 5 degrees above normal are expected from March to May. India will undoubtedly experience severe pre and post-monsoon syndrome, affecting agriculture and posing a health risk.
El Nino may also have an impact on Kharif production in FY24. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the US government's weather agency, predicted in its February forecast that El Nino could return as early as June. According to the IMD, El Nino will be "neutral" for the next three months. Its true impact on the southwest monsoon will not be known until April when they release the first long-term monsoon forecast.
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