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Direct Seeded Technique- A Modern Farming Method for Cultivating Paddy

In this article we have discussed what is DSR Technique, how it is different from the traditional method of sowing paddy, and its benefits in agriculture.

Direct Seeded Technique- A Modern Farming Method for Cultivating Paddy
Direct Seeded Technique- A Modern Farming Method for Cultivating Paddy(Image Credit: Tribune India)

Direct seeded technique, also known as direct seeding or dry sowing, is an innovative method of paddy cultivation that differs from the traditional practice of transplanting seedlings. The Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) technique is the direct sowing of seeds into the field without transplanting the seedlings. A tractor-powered machine is being used to drill the seeds into the soil.DSR Techniques don’t use nursery preparation.DSR Technique reduces water usage by 30%. This is because, during the transplanting period, the land is irrigated daily maintaining a water depth of 4-5 cm. Also, it helps farmers by reducing costs by up to 6000 per acre.

Direct Seeded Technique vs. Traditional Transplanting

The following are key aspects that differentiate them from each other:-

Seedling preparation

Direct seeding eliminates the need for seedling nurseries and labor-intensive transplanting by sowing pre-germinated seeds directly into the field.

Time and labor savings

Paddy farming requires less time and labor since direct sowing removes the time-consuming process of transplanting.

Water management

Direct seeding uses less water than transplanting because it can use the water more effectively because there is less puddling and seepage.

Weed control

Control of weeds Direct seeding lessens weed development since the seedlings are planted in a leveled, weed-free field, reducing competition for resources.

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Following are the several advantages of the application of the DSR Technique:-

 Cost reduction

Direct seeding significantly reduces costs associated with labor, nursery management, and water usage, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods.

Time efficiency

 By eliminating the transplanting stage, direct seeding shortens the crop cycle, allowing for quicker cultivation and the potential for multiple harvests in a single season.

Enhanced yield

Enhanced yield Properly implemented direct seeding techniques can result in comparable or even higher yields than traditional transplanting methods, especially when combined with improved seed varieties and agronomic practices.

Resource conservation

Resource conservation Direct seeding helps conserve water by minimizing the need for continuous flooding, which also reduces methane emissions from paddy fields. Additionally, it reduces the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, promoting environmentally friendly farming practices.

Soil health improvement

Direct seeding contributes to better soil structure and organic matter retention, enhancing soil fertility and reducing soil erosion risks.

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 Best Practices for Direct-Seeded Technique

Following are the best practice and their strategies to adopt:-

Field preparation

Proper land leveling, effective weed management, and adequate water management are crucial for successful direct seeding.

Seed selection and treatment

High-quality, disease-resistant seed varieties should be selected, and seeds can be treated with bio-pesticides or growth enhancers for improved germination and seedling vigor.

Seeding method

 Direct seeding can be done using manual broadcasting, drum seeder, or precision seeders, depending on the scale and resources available.

Nutrient management

 Balancing nutrient requirements through soil testing and appropriate fertilizer application is essential for optimal crop growth and yield.

Pest and disease management

 Implement integrated pest and disease management practices, including regular monitoring, biological control, and judicious use of pesticides if necessary.

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