Common Agricultural Machinery and Tools In India
Combines farming tools are very popular in developed countries. Harvesting with a combined harvester is becoming a common practice where the manpower is deficient or farms are very large, for example, In the season of wheat harvesting in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Many manufacturers mainly in Punjab have developed combines, which are self-flung or tractor-operated.

Here is the list of some common machinery and tools
Combines farming tools are very popular in developed countries. Harvesting with a combined harvester is becoming a common practice where the manpower is deficient or farms are very large, for example, In the season of wheat harvesting in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Many manufacturers mainly in Punjab have developed combines, which are self-flung or tractor-operated.
Irrigation Equipment
Agricultural irrigation equipment is a huge market for farmers' mechanization. It has helped in increasing agricultural production and revolutionized the cultivation of crops. The category includes sprinklers, pumps, irrigation pipes, paddy seeders, weeders, sprayer systems, and inline drippers.
Power Tillers
A Power Tiller is a two-wheeled agricultural implement fitted with rotary tillers which gives a smooth resistance to all farm activities. In fact, it has multiple uses & advantages. Power Tiller helps in preparing the soil, sowing seeds, planting seeds, and adding & spraying the fertilizers, herbicides & water.
Sowing and Planting Equipment
Line-sowing helps in the coordinated application of fertilizers near the root zone. Mechanical weeders are used to control weeds. Mechanically ascertain seed drills and seed-cum-fertilizer drills operated by animals and tractors have been developed.
Plant Protection Equipment
Weed control in irrigated and rain-fed agriculture during the Kharif season is required and various equipment is available for it. Khurpis, long handle wheel hoe and peg type weeders, bullock-operated weeders, and cultivators are also used for control of weeds. Low-cost hand-operated sprayers and dusters are also available.
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