Best Ways For Conserving Water By Farmers
As water has been used rigorously, therefore it is an alarming stage for humans to adopt water-conserving practices. Judicious use of water is a must to save this resource for future generations. In this article, we have discussed different ways to have effective water application techniques.

Water is one of the most essential resources and the backbone of Agriculture. Excessive usage of water has resulted in groundwater level depletion. Pumping of groundwater is therefore currently unregulated in many parts of the country. Therefore shifting from groundwater to reservoir could disparage in the upcoming days. So there is a need for a sustainable practice that would not only help in water conservation but resolve the current water shortage situation

The following are different ways that farmers have adopted for water conservation:-
Rotational Grazing
Rotational grazing is a process where livestock is moved in fields through a series of pasture subdivisions to promote pasture regrowth. Therefore this helps to increase the water absorption capacity, decreases runoff, and is less prone to disease, and drought resistance.
Regular practice will lead to increasing the organic content, improving soil texture, improving water holding capacity, and many more. Good grazing will lead to a decrease in water runoff.
This will also help a farmer's animal to remain healthy therefore simultaneously improving several conditions of the soil.
Organic Practice
Adopting organic agriculture will help in conserving more water. As organic farming requires less water therefore the best strategy is to save water for further use. This is another agricultural practice for sustainable farming.
According to research from Rodale Institute, it was found that through the practice of organic farming, corn yields increased by 30% more than modern methods specifically during drought years.
Adopting organic farming will also lead to decrease pesticide application, less toxic materials, retaining moisture, and prevention from getting prone to harmful diseases. A soil that constitutes more humus, enriched with nutrients is mostly preferred.
Organic farming is able to recharge groundwater supplies by up to 20%.
Dry Farming Method
Practicing dry farming methods will help in conserving and sustaining water. Dry Farming is the practice of cultivating crops without irrigation during the dry season. Through different conservational techniques soil can preserve moisture and therefore provide good growth. Dry farming will lead to cultivation but with fewer yields.
Growing drought-tolerant crops
Drought Tolerant crops require very less amount of water for their growth. Crops that are native to arid zones are mostly drought tolerant. Olives and American cucumbers are some of the crops that require less water for growth.
Proper Irrigation Scheduling
To avoid over or under-watering the crops, farmers have adopted adopting modified technologies, for example using sensors, following the weather forecasts, and adapting irrigation scheduling systems will help to conserve water and retain moisture in the field.
Tory farms use flood irrigation in their orchards, therefore replenishing the water table. A good way to enhance the water table and conserve water for later usage.
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Benefits of Underwater Farming or Ocean Farming in Agriculture