Autonomous Farming- The Next Big Thing in Farming Industry
Agricultural drones, self-driving tractors, and seed-planting robots are examples of innovations that could be critical to future food supplies, as autonomous farming promises to produce more crops with less effort and less environmental impact. According to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Labor Task Force, labor shortages in Canada's farming industry could reach 114,000 by 2025. It's a similar story in the United States, where changes in immigration numbers are causing a labor shortage in agriculture.

Autonomous Farming- A Reality
Agricultural drones, self-driving tractors, and seed-planting robots are examples of innovations that could be critical to future food supplies, as autonomous farming promises to produce more crops with less effort and less environmental impact.
According to the Agriculture and Agri-Food Labor Task Force, labor shortages in Canada's farming industry could reach 114,000 by 2025. It's a similar story in the United States, where changes in immigration numbers are causing a labor shortage in agriculture.
According to Global Market Insights Inc. research, the autonomous farming sector is expected to exceed $95 billion by 2027.
Here’s How Autonomous Farming will Change the Agriculture Scenario
Here are 3 ways that autonomous farming is poised to disrupt the agricultural industry.
To alleviate farm labor shortages, self-driving tractors are being used.
A driverless or self-driving tractor has enormous potential for reimagining farming and making agriculture more automated than ever before. With vital farmer functions essentially outsourced to these driverless vehicles and their sophisticated sensor sidekicks, which are all intimately connected via the Internet of Things (IoT), both the global food system and individual farmers stand to gain significantly in terms of productivity and productivity.
The goal of driverless tractors is to free farmers from 8-12-hour days of driving. Farmers can take control by using an app on their phones or computer. The app allows the farmer to position a tractor, drive the length of a field, turn around, return, and maneuver around obstacles.
Read more: Autonomous Tractor Market - Growth, Impact of Covid-19, Trends, and Forecasts of 2022 - 2027
Using drones to support sustainable farming
Agricultural drones are assisting farmers in increasing crop yields and monitoring crop growth for maximum output.
Farmers are extracting soil samples using drone data to check temperatures, moisture, and elevation.
The World Economic Forum's New Vision for Agriculture (NVA) initiative is assisting in ensuring that agriculture can sustainably feed a growing global population. The NVA works with over 650 organizations to advance over 100 value-chain initiatives that benefit millions of farmers.
Seed-planting robots boost productivity.
Seed sowing takes a significant amount of human effort and time, but seed-sowing robots save farmers time and money.
The autonomous devices plant seeds in the desired location, eliminating the need for a human.
Read more: Farmers Be Ready for the Rise of 'Autonomous Tractors'