An Overview of Inter-Cultivation Activities in Paddy Cultivation
The act of caring for a crop after it has been planted is known as inter-cultivation. Another name for it is an after-operation. All the lighter and finer activities done on the soil between planting and harvesting are referred to as intercultural operations. Among them are weeding, thinning, gap filling, and earthing up.

Inter-Cultivation Activities in Paddy Cultivation
The act of caring for a crop after it has been planted is known as inter-cultivation. Another name for it is an after-operation. All the lighter and finer activities done on the soil between planting and harvesting are referred to as intercultural operations. Among them are weeding, thinning, gap filling, and earthing up.
Intercultural activities aid in maintaining the soil's pliability and softness, enabling the addition of organic fertilizer and the retention of rainwater. The tools and machinery used to achieve this goal are referred to as intercultural equipment. Due to their reduced labor costs, shortened preparation times, and increased effectiveness, these cross-cultural tools are most commonly used in SRI paddy production. Farmers who cultivate paddy using SRI techniques should utilize the equipment indicated in this article.
Here, we walk you through the inter-cultivation operation processes and provide the tools that will help the job be done more quickly, more effectively, and with less labor.
Thinning and Gap filling
Thinning is the removal of unhealthy or non-germinating seedlings from a planting bed. The technique of closing gaps between paddy rows that have sick seedlings is known as gap filling. Start by removing all the unhealthy seedlings from the area and then put the healthy seedlings there. These two procedures complement one another.
Although thinning and gap filling can be done at any time during the cultivation process, it is recommended to do it between 14 and 21 days after sowing when the crop is just starting to grow. It is carried out manually, either with hands or a khurpa.
Removing undesirable vegetation is known as weeding. Hoeing and weeding are done simultaneously. Hoeing is the technique of aerating the soil by disturbing the top soil with small hand tools. A paddy weeder is used to weed the transplanted seedlings when they are placed in rows. To lessen weeds' competition with agricultural plants for light, space, water, and nutrients, weeding is a necessity. To ensure that cultivation produces the desired output is another reason to weed. Farmers that use weedicides are recommended to switch to manual or mechanical weeding instead, as weedicides have a history of endangering consumers.
After transferring the crop to the field, it is advised to weed the paddy field. STIHL's Paddy Weeder, formerly known as the KA 120 and now known as the FS 120, is a good example of a weeding machine that may be used to minimize labor and boost efficiency. The Paddy Weeder efficiently completes tasks like de-weeding paddy crops.
Earthing Up
Earthing up creates ridges and furrows in the crop field that later act as irrigation channels. By earthing up, weed growth and population are slowed. One of the many well-known advantages of earthing up is that it may control the temperature and moisture of the soil, as well as reduce weeds and enhance germination and emergence. Some advantages of earthing up include high production and quality, a longer growing season, greater nutritional content, improved storability, and others. Farmers may quickly loosen the soil and create ridges for the crop by using the STIHL Ridger Adjustable attachment with the MH 710 (Power Weeder).
In rice, harvesting refers to the cutting and gathering of panicles that are still clinging to the stalks. It begins when the inter-cultivation activities are finished and the crop has reached maturity. The appropriate timing and methods of harvesting enhance grain yield while reducing grain losses and deterioration in quality. Paddy harvesting can be accomplished using the Stihl Paddy Weeder FS 120 and the Paddy harvester Attachment.
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