Agricultural Disc Harrow- Uses And Advantages
Soil health and quality are critical for farming success. Farmers can ensure that soil is managed and weed-free by using the best tillage equipment and soil preparation methods. Tillage promotes plant nutrient growth by creating a soft soil surface and a suitable surface for seeds.

Soil health and quality are critical for farming success. Farmers can ensure that soil is managed and weed-free by using the best tillage equipment and soil preparation methods. Tillage promotes plant nutrient growth by creating a soft soil surface and a suitable surface for seeds. Farmers use various types of tillage implements, such as a rotavator, disc ploughs, rippers, cultivators, and so on, depending on the need and soil conditions. A disc harrow is one of them.
A disc harrow is a secondary tillage tool used for seedbed preparation or weed control. It is useful for breaking up clods and surface crusts, and it improves soil granulation and surface uniformity. The disc harrow both prevents weed growth and kills existing weeds. One of the primary advantages of using a disc harrow is that it tills the field where crops will be planted. It is also used to remove weeds and crop residues.
Disc harrows are tractor-driven tillage implements that are either three-point lifted or hydraulically supported by wheels. The larger ones have side sections that can be raised vertically or folded up for easier road transport or better storage configurations.
Benefits of a Disc Harrow
The use of a disc harrow has many advantages in farming because it simplifies soil management. There are numerous advantages to disking, a few of which are discussed below:
• By closing the furrow made after ploughing, the soil nutrients are preserved.
• Breaking up massive clods of compacted soil
• reducing weed growth and eradicating existing weeds
• The soil is cut, crushed, and mixed.
• Turning crop residue under the soil's top layer.
• The disc harrow is used in open farm workings for superficial ploughing, clod shattering, soil preparation for sowing, and the burial of organic substances and remains.
• For uprooting the trees.
• To aerate the soil and eliminate weeds.
• The disc angle is easily adjustable.
• Ideal for soil conditions ranging from light to medium.
Disc Harrow has the following features:
• Premium quality Boron steel discs are used.
• Transportable- It is simple to attach and mount to a tractor.
• The harrow's tillage depth is 6 inches.
• The maintenance of the Disc harrow is simple, but it must be properly scheduled.
As a result, this apparatus cultivates the soil, eliminates unwanted crops, and shuffles the soil. Because of the unique arrangement of the iron and steel discs, it also slices the ground and picks up the soil. This all benefits the crops that must grow in the fields next.
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