A Step-by-Step Guide to Grow Healthy Curry Plant in Pots
We have provided step by step guide to obtaining fresh foliage of curry leaves when grown in pots. Grow aromatic curry leaves in pots for convenient access. Follow these instructions to enjoy their fresh flavor in your culinary endeavors.

Curry leaves, known for their distinct aroma and vibrant green color, can reach a height of six to twenty ft. These small, glossy leaves come from the curry tree, a tropical plant native to India. Packed with flavor, curry leaves add a unique taste to various dishes. Not only do they enhance the overall flavor profile, but they also offer several health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and various nutrients, curry leaves are believed to aid digestion, improve hair health, and possess anti-inflammatory properties.
Whether used fresh or dried, curry leaves are a delightful addition to elevate the taste and aroma of many culinary creations. Spring is the best time to plant a curry tree at home. Below is a step-by-step guide to obtaining good quality curry plants.
They require the following materials:-
- Four-inch pot or select size accordingly
- Well-drained fertile soil
- A mixture of soil, sand, and cow dung for soil treatment
- Knife
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Step- By- Step Guidance to Obtain Healthy Curry Plant
To obtain good quality curry plant following are the step-by-step guide:-
The soil should be well-drained, with acidic nature. pH between 6.4 - 6.9 to be maintained. Usually, curry leaves require dry soil to obtain good-quality leaves.
Watering the soil is very much required. Watering should be regularly done for the first two months. It is advised that frequent watering isn't necessary during winters as s they can become dormant that is the phase when the seed is not ready to produce flowers and grow into a young plant. Therefore it is preferable to do deep watering earlier. Usually, potted plants require 2 to 4 days depending on the size of the pot and the climate. Watering should be balanced. Make sure that one allows the soil to dry between watering.
Usually, a potted curry plant requires 26 degrees Celsius to grow. Excess sunlight should be avoided. During summer it is advisable to change the pots and the pots to be shifted in partly shaded areas. Also, make sure that curry leaves should not plucked for at least ten months. Usually, a curry plant thrives best in hot and humid climates.
Apply liquid kelp fertilizer every week. Applying diluted rice water will fertilize the soil and enhance the vigorous growth of curry leaves. The curry plant can be also sprayed with Neem oil insecticide spray every 15 days.
During the initial years, usually for the first 2 years, potted plants should not be disturbed. Continuous removal of dead or unwanted parts is required to be pruned to obtain fresh and quality foliage.
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Types of Potted Curry Leaves
The following are two suitable varieties to obtain healthy curry plants:-
- Dwarf type
They are bushy and spread more. Their leaves are light green and longer than the regular-size curry plant.
- Gamthi
They are very small even smaller than the dwarf variety. They can reach up to 12 inches. Since they grow slowly therefore they are best for potting purpose.
Potting and Repotting
Gamithi and dwarf variety are suitable options. To plant them large drain holes and light potting mix are recommended. A 5-gallon container is required for planting a dwarf curry tree. Report it when it is overgrown.
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